Thanks for dropping by Diving Sparrow Knives
"Real knives for real work!"
Hand made knives are a work of passion and at Diving Sparrow Knives we are passionate about making solid users for those who are passionate about the knives they use.
"Man is a tool-using animal. Weak in himself and of small stature, he stands on half square foot, has to straddle out his legs lest the very winds supplant him. Never the less he can use tools, can devise tools; with these the granite mountain melts into light dust before him; seas his smooth highway, winds and fire his unwearying steeds. Nowhere do you find him without tools. Without tools he is nothing, with tools he is all." Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881)
About the Maker:
I has been making knives for over 19 years and has been a collector of knives since his childhood.
Some of you may also know me as a writer for the top knife magazines of the world, like Knife Magazine, and Blade magazine. Also as a Knife Columnist for GUN World magazine and has been published in numerous other magazines for outdoor techniques and gear reviews.
I have also the author of a chapter in Blade's Guide to Knife Making 3rd addition and has had contract knives with four knife companies such as CRKT, Colonial Knife company ,TOPS and Boker
Over the years I have instructed wilderness tripping and survival
courses, traditional wood working, primitive skills and wilderness canoeing .
My experiences in the outdoors coupled with the fact I have reviewed countless knives over the years, gives me a unique perspective on the use and design of knives. Using my unique set of skills I create hand crafted knives that are optimized for long hours of pleasurable use.
Diving Sparrow Knife Works is dedicated to making effective ergonomic cutting tools. Careful attention is taken to achieve a balance that allows form to follow function, to create a tool that is pleasurable to use and will last a lifetime.
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